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HL2 : et avec deux processeurs, ca donne quoi ?

Publié par mickael44 le 04/11/2006 01:56 dans la rubrique Archives
Le site Bit-Tech vient de publier un dossier présentant une version améliorée du moteur de Half-Life 2 (le moteur Source) tirant profit des processeurs dual-core (double-coeur).

This year, Valve is talking to us about what is possibly its most difficult iteration of the Source engine yet - adding multi-thread support to make the most of the new dual-core and quad-core CPUs coming from Intel and AMD. The timing of the day is to coincide with the release of Intel's Kentsfield quad-core chip, which is released today.

We had an hour-long presentation from Valve staff, then asked questions of the team, including Gabe Newell, for a further hour. We discussed the transition to multi-core in depth, and we have come away with a slick understanding of Valve's implementation, as well as a couple of benchmarks that we can use to demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach. This is an exciting one, so sit down and prepare for some multi-threaded crowbar action.

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